
September Sunflowers

from the garden into the studio

DF Gray

I had a extra sheet of Fabriano pastel paper in poppy red so tried the still life on this

DF Gray

Working on composition (placing the subject), light yellow pastel and light with my touch

DF Gray

adding the lights without using my lightest colours, then working towards the dark

DF Gray

further along trying to get the details and forms

DF Gray

working with a heavier touch working the details and deepest dark, going deeper with my darks then my lightest light (but never using white)

DF Gray

eliminated the window from the background and finding the details

going deeper with all the values using deepest dark red and lightest pale yellow, dragging complimentary colour (blue greens) over the background to make the red poppy jump

DF Gray

September Sunflowers soft pastel 18 x 16"

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